Thursday 31 December 2020

More HCT Women's College Shenanigans (3)

My latest offering is the the third and last in this trilogy of 'tributes' to the HCT's women's colleges. I do most sincerely hope that anybody considering taking up 'employment' (or incarceration) in The Evil Empire will read this former employee's glowing account of the years that he wasted there and make the necessary turnabout.


The main problem in criticising this particular HCT Women’s College is – where to begin?

Regarding the management, most dealings with this college’s leadership are characterized by fear and accusations that stem from an obvious lack of professional and academic experience. Almost without exception, our local college ‘leaders’ prefer to view suggestions as attacks, and therefore respond negatively and with a total lack of professional etiquette. This aggressive incompetence is typically a result of a marked lack of confidence in their own abilities (i.e., they know that they are useless, but have no idea what to do about it) and stretches its inept tentacles all the way up from the chairs to the deans to higher level authorities.

One example of this college’s general torpor and incompetence is the last-minute planning and rule-changing that would have been prevented if thought and effort had been made much earlier. As such, the college entirely fails to communicate a strong direction to its faculty and other staff, and perhaps even revels in its ability to contradict itself and leave the staff ever more bewildered. All of this indecision and confusion serves to create an unscholarly environment that simply exposes staff to additional criticism and the assignation of irrelevant work by the ‘superiors’.

Many faculty members here admit that the good lecturers end up leaving the college far too soon, sometimes within as little as a year or two of their arrival. Freshly recruited instructors soon start to suffer in the toxic environment here, which displays a notable aversion to necessary change and a total lack of understanding and respect for established ‘academic’ practice. HCT is, after all, a mere college, despite its cringe-worthy attempts to pass itself off as something approaching a proper institute of higher education.

Perhaps the worst feature of this particular women’s college in the HCT empire is the way that management tends to prioritize how teaching looks on paper rather than in actual practice. In most cases, faculty members are praised for awarding high grades and punished for failing students, and may even be threatened for enforcing the college’s own rules on absences and poor academic performance. Meanwhile, teachers and lecturers wait in fear of a negative word being said about them by disgruntled students, as even the smallest amount of negative feedback from a darling princess can result in dismissal.

In short, this HCT college only serves to achieve a sad and unedifying corruption of the notion of ‘education’. Whereas most institutes of higher education around the world are regarded as centers of change and innovation, this place prefers to instil blame and fear into its practitioners, and is therefore widely regarded as a complete fraud.

And that is exactly what this HCT women’s college really is.


Anonymous said...

Wot, no comments yet?!

Anonymous said...

Suede .... I think we're done here ... no more WASPs in the HCT house ... and the remaining 2nd / 3rd world faculty have no sense of place ... submission reigns ... love live soma .... thx for the fish :)

Suede Oasis said...

Well, I think you may well be right (Anon above), but, as all the best HCT managers say, ‘my door is always open’!

Long Gone said...

Hey, that’s just like what Dimbo Psiropoulos used to say to me - ‘my back door is always open to you, sweets.’ What a tart! Is he still messing things up at ADWC these days?

Long Gone said...

PS: Greetings from Canada!

Anonymous said...

Can an Emirati please go for Dean of Academics in Fujairah? The British/Algerian/Pakistani guy there now is a total basket-case.

Anonymous said...

I’ve worked in HCT for 7 years, until 2019, it used to be much better than what it became! Unfortunately many of the qualified people have left ! Others who are also qualified are hiding because they do realize that it’s a mess!!
One of the main reasons why HCT is getting worse and worse is because the ministry of higher education is closing its eyes on the tremendous academic violations taking place. Such violations are happening because of the lack of qualified human capital !
Many of those holding positions of non locals are cowards who don’t dare to tell the truth and they just follow orders blindly!
In different programs, the deans are always manipulated by the employees in their offices!! 99% of such employees are not qualified (Either without equivalencies of their degrees , or just received their low level PhDs!) yet they are leading hundreds of faculty! Unfortunately, the top management is sleeping!!

The ministry of education has double standards !! No doubt

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the previous comment! The business program is controlled by the team surrounding the Executive Dean! All of them are not qualified and they are devastating the outcomes of the business program!! Where is the top management??

Delma said...

Well, if the 'top management' is composed of Emiratis, it will be either invisible or incompetent - possibly even both, if that's not a total contradiction in terms!

Delma said...

So how's the new term shaping up at The Farm? Many no-shows? Any reasons for NOT falling into despair?!
Please post your experiences below!

Delma (Suede is 'indisposed' at the mo)

Unknown said...

I went through some petty things in college (harassment by a staff member, who convinced students to harass and assault me). The school tried to cover it up. I almost died because of all this shit.They literally let me bleed to death in a hazing gone wrong.

PLease, PLEASE, PLEASE... Open your email, Suede. This happened on Sharjah Women's Campus.


Unknown said...

Not to mention that the police did not even take me seriously cuz it happened in 2015 but I was too messed up to stand for myself and my parents told me to shut the hell up so I did......

Darlene 2

Anonymous said...

Business faculty is full of 4th-rate so-called "PhDs" who can barely communicate in English yet see themselves as ""qualified".... so sad from what it used to be.

Delma said...

Yeh, PhD from Dhaka Polytechnic, written entirely in ...erm ... Sylhetti!?

HCT has been a true shit-hole for at least a decade now, and only attracts academic refugees from 3rd world South East Asian places.

"We told you that you were ill"


Anonymous said...

I came to the HCT in 1995 and left in 2008. It was a four day week, 14 hours, 14 students when I started. The faculty was qualified and professional with a few exceptions.
It started going downhill in the early 2000s. I left because my BS bucket was overflowing, the class size and hours were increasing to levels that were ridiculous. ESL is dead in the ME, and now in China with new regulations there.
Good Luck new teachers, better get into STEM if you want a better future.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what he just said above!
Fortunately I have just retired, so I don’t have to fake a smile and keep on pretending that all is well.

Anonymous said...

That Unworthy Earth-space Occupier is still standing.
I must admit that, the worst career move I made in my life is when I unknowingly accepted the HCT contract eleven years ago. My ordeal only lasted one year under despicable mental torture, but the nightmares and scars inflicted on my soul and my kids education progress lingered well after.
Is there an avenue where one can sue them as education criminals in the 21st century who subject unsuspecting academics to horrific experiences and they are still at large. Surely crimes have no expiry times!

Suede Oasis said...

To dear Anon above, I must say "I feel your pain". However, you only had to endure the purgatory for a year before salvation somehow appeared, and you should consider yourself fortunate. Others have had to undergo many years of the unremitting torture!
Unfortunately there is nowhere, at least that I am aware of, where "one can sue them as education criminals". Nevertheless, you can be sure that their souls, or those tiny shreds of compassion and morality that remain, will certainly burn in hell FOR EVER MORE!!

Anonymous said...

.... unknowingly-ness is no excuse for lack of research ... which is laughable given the pretentiousness of the writer here ... caveat emptor is even more telling in this internet day and age .... when the simple smell of money wafts through the spring air it can be an unwary and even ignorant academic who is tempted to exchange the relative safety of a 3rd rate institution somewhere out the back of Birmingham for the bright lights of the Middle East .... yes indeed, the annual price of mental torture at least paid down the mortgage a little, warded off the IRS for a few more months and maybe even funded the downpayment on that new bedsit in Putney ... small mental price ... buyers remorse only.

Delma said...

Ooh, I see that Sanjay, our 3rd-worlder with the Doctorate in retail management, is back again (above)!
How's the shop going, bhai? Are you due to inherit the stock from yer poor old dad soon?

DelBoy said...

Well, the inimitable Dr Simon Jones, aka SiJo, has once more, like the proverbial bad penny, rolled on to inflict his ghastly style of 'management' on another unfortunate set of unsuspecting victims.
After just over three years back in 'the sandpit' (Oman), he has been sacked (once more!) and now finds himself having to hawk his dubious talents in another despotic country, this time ... Singapore! Or is it Malaysia?
SiJo enjoys working and living under tyrannical despotic regimes - UAE, Kazakhstan, Oman, etc - as they suit his ... erm ... 'management style' ... which is, erm, one of tyrannical despotism. Where to next, SiJo - North Korea?

Suede Oasis said...

So Dr Sijo has 'messed his nest' once more?! I can only believe it! It's the one thing that he is very good at.
All the while he pretends to be a pioneer of the modern international higher education system and experienced in managing 'international' faculties, but the verifiable truth is that he can only last two, three years or so before he gets pushed out.
He talks the talk quite well, but can only harvest failure when it comes to walking the walk!

Anonymous said...

Such a shame, a man of such mighty management talents and sharply honed interpersonal skills and achievements!

Respect4Niggaz said...

Look, you dorks - if you go and work for the sand monkeys you will be mistreated and messed around. What else do you expect? They are still primitives in the social and political sense, and have little appreciation of the finer points of western societal development. Just blame yourself if you decided to take the Arab dirham - you know it would be risky!

JayBee said...

Is there anybody decent left at HCT now? The last thing I heard was that virtually ALL of the remaining westerners had been given their marching orders, and the locals were lording it over the unfortunate Asian uhderlings. The place is now a mere shadow of its former self. Can anybody corroborate that?

Anonymous said...

As Irish, can confirm this. Left after 10 years this past July. Non-renewal with no explanation from the emirati hr who were inadequately trained to respond to any questions so i just didn't ask them, it was pointless. Despite getting high performance review for past 2 years? Very fortunate to get graduity without having to go to lawyers like my friends did in AD. Anyone left is working in the english division only so they speak english to the deplorables. It was beyond hope soon as the recently fired vc took over from TK.

Suede Oasis said...

Dear Anon (above), I feel your pain, truly I do, being part Irish myself (just don’t ask which part!).
Please send me a full account of your cruel mistreatment and I will make a blog posting of it. Your anonymity is guaranteed, although I feel you might have forgone that already.
I’m eagerly waiting!

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry everyone, Zakir Khan will fix everything. He’s only been in HR since November of 2006, you know!? 😆

Anonymous said...

Since 2006, that’s right. And why has he stayed so long?
Because he’s very good at embezzling the HCT funds, that’s why!

Anonymous said...

Oh, isn't Abdullatif AlShamis just the epitome of excellence? I mean, he was absolutely terrible, but compared to the magnificent evilness of Faisal Alayyan, he's practically an angel! At least, he knew how to talk and write! It's such a shame we have to deal with this new guy, who appears to be the personification of pure evil, as if he even hates himself! And hey, let's not forget, he's proudly part of the illustrious "top 100 most influential Arabs" club! Oh, what a true honor that is, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Your sharp irony has been noted, dear Anon above.
Although, whether the object of your sarcasm has noted it is rather doubtful!

Sacked Again! said...

Yes, the not-so-mighty Simon Jones has been shoved sideways once again, this time after little more than a year! This time, the self-designated 'master of international education' has fallen on his sword in Malaysia - or was it Singapore?
Of course, the pathetic idiot has been obliged to dress up his sacking as a matter of choice (click on the heading above), but ALL of us/those lecturers and faculty members who had the delight to come into contact with the humanity-challenged sociopath know the real truth - he's fekkin useless!
Enjoy your enforced 'retirement', SiJO! We certainly will!!