Saturday 24 July 2010

The ADWC sackings - a victim writes...

One of the unfortunate victims of 'the June purge' at ADWC has kindly offered to put his side of the story. I wonder if the ADWC management will oblige and report their side of the business?

Let me give you a taste of how it was done on the days we got fired. The way the spineless bastards did it was to have the very nice HR assistant go about the college and tell us, on a 15-minute or so rotation, that "Dr. Dave" wanted to see us. A chuckle went through some of our minds as some, if all, had never, personally, met him before and he was frequently absent from campus or holed up in his glass-surrounded office.

On the first day, they got three of us. Our notification was that it was to be considered a "General Interest" termination due to the "New Foundations" rollout. Of course, we knew that it was unadulterated bullshit. Not liking to do overtime was likely the deciding factor for many if not all, as refusal to do required overtime is considered treason at ADWC. Overtime should be voluntary, but when you can’t reach staffing levels because of a bizarre system where the whim of T.K. is over-riding in recruitment or enough people have been warned off (I know who warned off a person who had been offered the Ed Tech supervisor’s position), then it becomes a mandatory requirement of employment at the ADWC

The really sad thing is that a colleague and fellow Khalifa campus exile had met up with another the second morning in the "library" to share his regrets. Talk about being philosophical was discussed, and hands were shook as the unwary colleague wandered on into the information session that was being held about the New Foundations that morning. It was only the next day that it was discovered that he had received the axe that day as well... so total was the shock and awe of the day(s).

I can't say that any of the fired teachers had anything to do with
the infamous blog, but if it was, then it shows the spineless nature and paranoia of the highest levels of ADWC mismanagement as it is unthinkable to fire innocent professionals that have been found guilty in a star chamber and not given a fair chance by either proving their guilt or allowing them to disprove the allegations against them.

More importantly, all of this came as the culmination of a year of COMPLETE mismanagement and ABSOLUTE DISREGARD for the professional teaching staff. First, by teaching staff returning to find all of our professional tools thrown into cardboard boxes even though there was two weeks between the time they returned and the starting teaching, and then by going downhill from there. The exiling of staff to Khalifa without it being ready for start-up and other policy discussions that had gone on was the breaking point for many.

There’s only one way for the ADWC to go from now on. It’s doubtful that the new director who was hired after the farce of a “director” who presided over the sinking ship and was sent packing to Fujairah, can do much to redeem the reputation of what used to be a great place to work.