Monday 17 July 2023

Abdullatif M. Al Shamsi

So, a case for Inspector Holmes? Or just some rather old news about that swindling Shamsi fellow ... ?

Either way, a former HCT inmate provides some fine  words of wisdom regarding a possible career move to the Evil Empire.


After having wasted nine years of my life working for the rancid dirham, my first few words of advice for any would-be recruit to the gulags of HCT are: take extreme care! In fact, I have a simple cautionary tale for anyone who wishes to climb the greasy management pole at HCT. We are all aware of teachers who have been dismissed without notice on a mere whim, and I have personally seen the kapos get whacked - it's part of the routine at HCT.  Yet I would never have expected the Commandant to literally disappear overnight! But yes, former CEO Al Shamsi was squeezed out like an unwanted herpes scab after the Summer break last year, and, with as little fanfare as possible, a new Sturmbahnfuhrer was ushered in. The king is dead – long live the king!

Of course, for most bold, energetic and forward thinking Higher Educational Institutions, one might have expected a brief 'hand-over' period, at least a "thank you for all you have done, our CEO is now moving on, we are grateful etc.," or even a whip round from the tea boat. And yet, in this case, there was - nada, zilch, diddly squat, sweet FA. So what happened?

All of the above has been shrouded in great secrecy, deep mystery and a good dose of "we don't talk about this and neither should you unless you want to find yourself on the next flight home" so loved by HCT. Umpteen rumours abound, ranging from the Minister for Education sacking him on the spot for getting his fat fingers trapped in the proverbial, not reporting someone else's fat fingers getting caught in the same, for paying homage to Mr Wasta and facilitating nepotism, and for … well, goodness  only knows what.

What is clear here is that, whatever exactly happened, it will forever be shielded from us mere inmates. It’s just another case of khalas, move along there, nothing to see here, stop loitering, etc. Of course, the lesson that they want everybody to learn is that they can ‘disappear’ anyone - from the lowliest janitor to the CEO - at the click of a finger. Unsurprising for this part of the world (i.e., the uncivilized part), the case makes it absolutely crystal clear that there is never any accountability, no due process or labour rights that one might expect in the West. Because when the Big Daddy wants you out, you are OUT!

In short, the above matter should serve as a salutary warning to anyone who might be wishing to chance things here. In particular, for those thinking they could forge a successful career at HCT!