Monday 30 October 2023

Staff Plagiarism Scandal Rocks HCT!

Yes, it's not just the students who cheat at HCT - the academic staff are at it too! The following report has been a long time coming, due to various concerns on the part of the writer, who is very close to Mission Control at HCT. Yet I feel that you will agree, it has been worth the wait!


Plagiarised reports? Dodgy PhDs? Not here, boss …

The Head Honchos at HCT have been sitting on this veritable Pandora’s Box of academic malpractice for many months now, fearing that the fireworks might explode into the public domain and effectively finish off HCT’s already extremely tarnished reputation.

Well, here we go…

Last Spring, word reached the very peak of the HCT directorate that two of its academic directors had been accused of almost entirely plagiarizing several research papers published in an Iranian academic journal. Although they were initially assured that the theft represented isolated incidents (as if that makes it less reprehensible), a research fellow from one of the main universities in Teheran later contacted HCT to drop some very bad news: it was just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, it has recently been discovered that, over the past year, half a dozen other Iranian researchers have reported their papers being extensively plagiarized and republished under Emirati names in peer-reviewed journals published in academic journals in Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. In some cases it appears that the research papers had first seen life as articles in Farsi, but were then translated into English and submitted by the shameless Emirati ‘authors’ as their own work. These authors’ links to HCT have already been proven, but their names have been protected by the fog of secrecy that regularly swirls around Central Services. Although everybody knows their names, nobody dare speak them.

According to the latest informed rumors, all but one of the shameful plagiarists have confessed to their wrongdoing, admitted their plagiarism, and then gone on to retract their papers. However, clear evidence of the above is hard for an 'outsider' to find, as all names and titles have been diluted to the point of transparency. And not one of the thieves has been made to surrender their post.

Another case involving a Middle Eastern university reveals that an article submitted by a prominent HCT director included sentences apparently lifted verbatim from a master’s dissertation submitted by a Turkish student. The same piece of research included some original material written in poor English, whereas other parts featured passages written very eloquently, almost as if they were written by a third party. The phenomenon of paying somebody else to write your academic papers is, of course, not unique to the HCT, being rife throughout the Middle East. But only HCT would wish to hush it up, rather than hang out the perpetrators to dry. Isn’t that right?

However, I have saved the best (possibly) for last. So, please tell me - just who is the VIP HCT employee who cribbed the main part of his Doctorate from a Pakistani research fellow’s work, added a few of his own observations, and then submitted it to another university as entirely his own work? Just who is this ruthless and disreputable specimen of humanity, who betrayed a former colleague? Do we have a name to match to this heinous academic crime? I believe that the whole of HCT Central Services know who this person is, but their fearful silence speaks volumes.

Or can somebody else fill in the missing parts of the jigsaw in the Comments Section below?


Delma said...

According to his name, he may well be Head Honcho at HCT - It’s all a matter of predestination!

Delma said...

Our “Dr Al-Qadr”, I mean.

Anonymous said...

Remember that false information may take you to the court for legal action.

Anonymous said...

But what about true information? Is there any law against that?

Anonymous said...

I think you have to consult a lawyer before you spread information that may turn to be wrong then you may face legal actions.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it looks like SOMEBODY has really got the willies here! I just wonder why that could be?!?

Anonymous said...

I wonder that posting someone’s picture without permission is already a breach of privacy.

Delma said...

I doubt it. Anything available in the public sphere can be used, unless a specific prohibition is stated.

Khalifa Exile said...

A court case? And under which nation’s jurisdiction would it be held?
It can’t be done in the UAE, as Suede no longer lives there. It can’t be Canada, as although she was born there and has Canadian citizenship, she has not resided there for more than a decade. And if she is still working in Oman, how can they bring a case against her there if she has committed no crime there?
And, more importantly, would the case be brought against the original Suede Oasis, or the current one?
Too many conundrums to unwrap here, but any suggestions, or just wishful thinking, would be welcome.

Anonymous said...

Could this be one of them?
The English is weird enough...

The structure of verbal communication in modern Iranian society
Hamid Khanian

Volume 13, Issue 2 , September 2023, Pages 37-52

An effective and useful communication requires an expression that has a proper structure so that it does not threaten the dignity of the participants, and the strategies of Politeness in verbal exchanges are to establish a useful and effective communication by preserving the image of the participants and not threatening the reputation of the speaker and audience; However, contrary to the usual global practice in which the process of democratization of relations, reduction and elimination of differences between the level of participants and the tendency to equality and level, has prevailed, in our society today, it is observed that in some verbal interactions; Consciously or unconsciously, polite expressions, terms and words have been used too much of necessity and necessity, which in addition to violating Grace's "principle of quantity" and threatening the speaker's face, this assumption can also be considered probable. Which is for the purpose of flattery. However, for any purpose, the structure is inappropriate and speakers need to be both aware and have the right verbal communication skills to speak correctly, consciously and artistically in their verbal interactions and their speech has a structural balance, for this purpose in this article In addition to citing the results of the findings of other researchers in this field, in order to achieve a suitable and preferred structure, the conversations of the book "Tales of Amir Ali 1" which has 28 parts and 30 stories modern have been studied and while finding several related examples, and mentioning some One of them in a suitable place in the text of this article, based on the theory of Brown and Levinson Politeness and its , faces and indicators and capacities of pronouns, verbs and broad terms of Persian language and review and analysis of all data in a descriptive-analytical method for this question. What is the structure of polite and flattering expressions in verbal exchanges? And other possible questions related to the position have been answered appropriately and new tricks have been proposed that are unprecedented. That is, it is an innovative and new solution.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here then.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I do love that abstract! It’s actually slightly better written than some of the garbage emails that we get from our Emirati ‘masters’ here at HCT!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a surprise! HCT is sinking rapidly, especially under the brilliant leadership of Faisal Alayyan. I mean, have you seen his "research" profile? It's not like he can even write a simple email, let alone a research paper. How impressive! So pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I am not against putting an Emirati in the position of the President. It is their country. But for God's sake, there are many qualified Emiratis with a PhD. Why get an idiot like the current one? Pleaaaaaaaase bring Abdullatif AlShamsi back :(

Since we are talking about cheating, his posts on LinkedIn are NOT written by him. This is a FACT.

Khalifa Exile said...

So I’m guessing our ‘Doctor’ Alayan is one of those with an ‘Iranian’ PhD?

Anonymous said...

a nation of fat, overfed, underworked "locals". What do you expect? if all the foreigners left, even the traffic lights will stop working.

Anonymous said...

Idle, ignorant , corrupt - those are the positive points of HCT’s Emirati ‘managers’!

Anonymous said...

Which lawyer you recommend to file legal complaint against HCT? I need name please