Monday 4 May 2020

More Women's College Shenanigans! (1)

Suede-O is happy to reveal that several recently departed inmates from the infamous Evil HCT Empire have sent in their end-of-term reports. And what great reading they make! I sincerely hope - nay, expect - that you will ALL agree!

Report Number 1.
So what would I have done if I had known what a sham HCT is? Well, I guess there are a few things. 

For instance, if I’d known how badly the teaching staff were overloaded with courses and pointless committees, were expected to work free overtime, and would never be consulted on a single matter concerning the teaching processes and outcomes, I guess I would have stayed at home. If I’d been told that my teaching and my students’ learning would suffer from large class sizes and a woefully inexperienced local managers, I would have said: “Hey! But I’m a highly-qualified faculty member with years of international experience! How can you guys be so amateur and incompetent?” If I’d been able to foresee how the senior management micro manage the college(s) and have a total lack of international experience at the highest levels, I would have rolled my eyes in dismay and mumbled a thousand curses under my breath. If I had been aware that way too many alumni had been hired, that they lack the correct attitude and have absolutely no experience in education or industry (or any working situation at all), I probably would have wet my pants laughing at how anybody could have expected to run a tertiary education system with such low caliber employees. Had I been told that the vast majority of female students here have embedded prima-donna attitudes, are accustomed to being clearly spoiled and extremely lazy, then I would have said to myself: it must be HCT!

Caveat emptor: I have not seen a single experienced international faculty member stay at this HCT branch for more than a couple of years; they soon get burned out attempting to give a high  quality education to ungrateful female students who cheat on a large scale and are always supported by their ‘cousins’ in the administration and management. Any self-respecting educator should STAY AWAY from this frustrating maze of lies and contradictions.

My advice to those idiots who call themselves ‘managers’ here, especially of the senior variety, is to learn how treat the faculty with the same respect that you lavish upon your precious darling students; you need to actually seek advice from the internationally experienced instructors that you constantly try to belittle and undermine. More importantly, put an end to the way that you bend over backwards to appease the cheating students, and stop employing your useless alumni, who have neither teaching nor professional experience, and display absolutely no interest in performing their jobs well.

Report Number 2 is ... coming SOON!


Anonymous said...

Is that Al Ain WC I see in the picture?
Worst dump I ever worked at in the whole ME!

Suede Oasis said...

What, even worse than the HCT branches in the Western areas of the UAE?
I somehow doubt it!

Anonymous said...

Come on Suede! I’m drooling like a lockdown loony for the next instalment!

Anonymous said...

So, does that mean accreditation is off the table? I worked there for 10 years, 10 years ago, and even then I thought it was a joke; albeit a good paying joke. Now it seems it has turned into a poor paying joke, with too many controls on the the expat teachers and to treat them as 3rd world house maids/boys. There is no focus on education, only on control of the expat who they (the local overlords) assume is ripping them off.

Anonymous said...

Accreditation of just what, exactly? Is there much of an educational nature left to accredit?
And just who would ‘accredit’ such an institute of ignorance and tyranny?

Anonymous said...

I left the HCT,ADM ten years ago. Got out at just about the right time. What a mess it has become.
No chance of accreditation by any reputable agency.
The HCT Is finished.
Couldn’t have come at a better time, oil prices will no longer support a freebie environment. These idiots will have to work or starve. A dangerous political situation.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we must have left about the same time, although I was in Dubai. Never regretted turning my back on that vipers’ nest!
And yes, the current situation in the UAE is ripe for overthrow. Ten years from now, who knows what will the situation be?
Maybe the Iranian mullahs will be in charge - LOL!

Suede Oasis said...

Maybe HCT's Senior Management Teams will be in charge!? What an unremitting disaster that would be!

Anonymous said...

I feel for all of you counts... imagine spewing so much hate and trying to sound indifferent where in reality you can't let go of talking about the place even after a decade of leaving it. You sad sad leeches

Anonymous said...

Yeh, what he said. I think.

Anonymous said...

Business management programs !

The associate dean doesn’t have a PhD, he is managing all business programs in all HCT!! A total joke! He was not given an equivalency!
The lady responsible for managing final exams (claiming to be a senior specialist) controls the work of so many qualified faculty only because she is in the deans office!! Bottom line unqualified people are managing and damaging the whole educational business programs because they are supported by the top management!!
All qualified people will leave eventually!

Anonymous said...

The only ‘business management’ he can handle is ‘monkey business’.

Anonymous said...

Or in that particular case, ‘sand-monkey business”.

Glassdoor said...

"HCT – School of deception & fear"
Current Employee - Assistant Professor
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
I have been working at HCT full-time for more than 5 years


Nice and friendly workmates.
That's it.


1. While paying less and less (because of cost of living increases), more and more is required of faculty in terms of research, advising, needless paperwork. Most faculties teach 4 classes per semester starting Fall 2019, with multiple preps.
2. Ticket Benefits for westerners got reduced approximately from 9750 AED to around 6,000AED.
3. Education benefits reduced per child from 60,000 to 45,000 AED. If you have two kids, then the maximum is 60,000 AED. It was 120,000 AED two years ago.
4. Starting September, an assistant professor can teach 4 classes. However, according to an email from VC of A, if needed, they can assign an additional class without an over time.
5. Summer teaching is mandatory without compensation. The upper management refused to pay overtime during summer. Furthermore, this is not included in the contract.
6. HCT has no ranks among well-known universities, even in UAE. In fact, it is not listed anywhere. You would hurt your career if you joined them.
7. Rank promotion is NOT recognized among well-known and respectable universities.
8. Almost impossible to get a rank promotion, because they are making it very difficult due to financial reasons.
9. They sacked several faculties over a dispute with female students, even if the female student at fault. In fact, two faculty sacked. Avoid teaching in female campuses if you have to.
10. In summer, faculty are expected to work thirty hours per week, while other government universities are off for summer break. In fact, HCT is the only educational institution that forces faculty to teach in summer.
11. Faculty don’t have offices; instead; they reside in an open office environment. Similar to help desk cubic desks. A very noisy environment with no privacy. Students can walk among the cubicles freely.
12. You will always hear about happiness, yet; no one is happy with the upper management.
13. Any simple mistake can result in a warning letter; simply a work environment fear culture

HCT treats trained faculties like salves. This institution is doing great in demoralizing faculties and putting them down. The upper management constantly lies to you and practice every manipulation technique. HCT can modify the contract, which reflects negatively on your allowances. We lost a lot of our allowances (travel, schooling,…) due to changes that happened recently. Deans, division chair, and worst program coordinators have no control or say. As a matter of fact, administrators have more authority and influence than faculties.
Ironically, they are coming in July to recruit westerners. If you have any respect for yourself and your experience, don’t join this place.

Advice to Management

Start treating your academic with respect. Stop slashing benefits.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, is it REALLY as good as you paint it above?!
Where do I sign up?!