Saturday 31 August 2019

12 Reasons to STAY AWAY!

A recent departee from the HCT gulag has sent Suede an updated advertisement for the undoubted attractions of working for 'The Evil Empire'. Given the amount of warnings that have already been issued regarding this place, you might well question the wisdom of adding another to the list.
But I just couldn't resist banging another nail (or twelve) into that rotting coffin-lid!
1. While HCT has been paying less and less (because of cost of living increases) for many years, more and more is required of its lecturers in terms of research, advising, meetings and needless paperwork. Most faculty members will be teaching four or five different classes from September 2019, with the multiple preparations that are involved. 
2. The Ticket Benefits for westerners have been reduced greatly, from 9750 AED to around 6,000AED. What this means in reality is that you will have to pay your own passage to the UAE, at least in part. 

3. The Education Benefits for families have been reduced per child from 60,000 to 45,000 AED. If you have two kids, then the maximum is 60,000 AED. This compares very poorly with the situation two years ago, when it was 120,000 AED. In short, you will have to pay a good share of your (depleted) salary to have your children educated at a decent school. 

4. Starting from this September, an assistant professor will teach a minimum of four classes. However, according to an email from the VC of A, the college can, if necessary, assign an additional class without any payment of overtime. Last year several faculty members were assigned TWO extra classes and, despite promises of full payment, were only paid for one of them!

5. Summer teaching is now mandatory and without any compensation whatsoever. The upper management has refused to pay overtime during the summer, despite the fact that it is not included in the contract. 

6. HCT has no ranking at all among well-known universities, even in the UAE. In fact, (quite unsurprisingly) it is not listed anywhere. As a result, you will seriously hurt your career prospects if you make the unfortunate decision to join them. 

7. They have, on numerous occasions, sacked several faculty members over disputes with female students, even when it was clear that the students were at fault. So don't expect any fair or equal treatment and consideration from the HCT management if there is a conflict, and avoid teaching in female campuses, unless you really have to. 

8. In summer, all faculty members are expected to work thirty hours per week, whereas other government universities are off for summer break. In fact, HCT is the only educational institution that forces its lecturers and teaching staff to work during the summer. 

9. Look at the picture above: HCT faculty do not have offices, not even shared ones! All HCT lecturers have to work in an open office environment, similar to the cube-style desks that exist in call-centres. This creates a very noisy environment with absolutely no privacy. Even worse, the students can enter the 'halls' and walk among the cubicles freely. 

10. At HCT you will always hear (or rather, read in tiresome emails) about the need to inspire and feel happiness. Indeed, I believe there is even a Director of Happiness at one unfortunate campus! Yet no one is happy with the upper management, who willfully ignore the needs of the college's greatest assets: its teaching staff. If you have ever read George Orwell's 1984, and gulped at his Ministry of Love & Peace, you will have a good idea of exactly what I mean; if you haven't read the book, do so now!

11. There is no feeling of belonging at HCT, and no sense of security. Any simple mistake can result in a warning letter; a perceived infraction can even lead to an immediate dismissal: it is quite simply a work environment that fosters fear and a culture of denial. In short, HCT's appalling management treats its highly educated and fully trained faculty members with utter contempt, as if they were slaves.
12. To conclude, this institution is doing very well in demoralizing teaching staff and putting them down. The upper management constantly lies to its lecturers and practices every technique of manipulation known to humankind. HCT's senior managers can modify the contract at will, which reflects negatively on the allowances paid. Faculty members have recently lost a lot of their allowances (travel, schooling tuition) due to changes that were imposed post-contract. Unfortunately, the deans, division chairs, and program coordinators have no control or say, and remain as meek as lambs for fear of displeasing their Emirati masters. As a matter of fact, administrators have more authority and influence than any faculty members at HCT, which really outlines just how twisted and corrupt this 'college' actually is.

If you have any respect for yourself, your chosen career and your years of experience, don’t join this place. Just don't!


Delma said...

Actually, Suede, I think your informant is pulling his punches. Those former teachers that I still know, and who finally left a few months back, report the place as being entirely dysfunctional and close to collapse. Perhaps whose brave souls (or stupid mugs) who have hung on, can give us the real story?

Anonymous said...

Is this the promised update from ‘Tina’, Suede?

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here, if you’re dumb enough to still be working here it means you are too dumb get a real university job.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon above. No serious educator would come here now, and only the pure dross remain.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the deplorables here could lighten the hell up by remembering just how many hours they pulled last week ...??? ... yep that's right only 30!! ... do the math ...its a fine thing too if you just shut your damn mouth and do your job... only 30 mandatory hours go figure why the complaints?

Anonymous said...

Is that 30 hours of teaching, or just the ‘presenteeism’? I think we should all be told the truth here!

Anonymous said...

Ok, what about this then. You get two xtra classes dumped on you, meaning two more preps, with the promise of double overtime. And then the sneaky bastards only pay you for one of them! So “why the complaints?” - are you really serious?
The so-called management at HCT is only good for lying, cheating and swindling. Avoid this place, this pit of snakes, unless you really are desperate for employment.

Suede Oasis said...

You have my deepest sympathies, above. Please send me a fuller account of the matter for publication in this blog.

Drew said...

So it turns out that the ‘author’ of this blog is one Emlyn Hillier! Does anyone know at which HCT campus he worked?

Anonymous said...


Khalifa Exile said...

I believe he worked at one of HCT’s western-most gulags, but had no idea he was behind this blog. Last thing I heard about him was that he works now in Saudi. Any corroboration of that from anyone?

Suede Oasis said...

Erm, is that REALLY my name?! I had no idea somebody had changed it!
As for being in Saudi right now, I also have strong doubts. My current surroundings are green and mountainous, and look very different from the dry sandy torpor of The Magic Kingdom.
And I’ll give 50 bucks to ANYBODY who can guess (or knows) where I actually am!

Anonymous said...

Stop boasting, you jerk. You got something really bad coming your way, i promise.

Anonymous said...

Real story? So when colleages of mine signed their new contract this past June which was on the new faculty ranking scale, their new salary was 20% lower than their old salary? And... their recalculated gratuity is down by a six figure amount?? That's criminality at its worst.

Khalifa Exile said...

A 20% paycut and they stayed? Why? Just tell me why??
Khalifa Exile (retired)

Anonymous said...

Why have they stayed? Probably because they are talentless losers, probably - or just Asians (Indians, Phillipinos, etc.).

Suede Oasis said...

Yeh, and I am STILL waiting for the “something bad” that was promised to cross my path a month ago. Any news on that, Mr Big?

Garfield said...

There is, in reality, absolutely NO reason to ‘stay away’ from HCT, as the misguided author above suggests. All HCT faculty can look forward to frequent humiliation by talentless ‘management’, having their contracts revised downwards on a regular basis, and even being dismissed on the flimsiest of ‘reasons’. What other education institute can match that?

Bubba said...

Doth Jo "The Ho" Probert still haunt the hallowed halls of hct?

Anonymous said...

Ah, the word “haunt” is most appropriate here!

Bubba said...

Ay! But, do that skank still draw pay?

Delma said...

Didn’t you know, Bubba? HCT has stopped paying its inmates for the duration of the, ahem, ‘crisis’.
But which crisis that could be, nobody knows.

Suede Oasis said...

Nice to hear from you again, Bubba! How go things back in The Land of the Free (Statue of Libertee, etc)? Has Trump caught the dreaded China Virus yet?
Hasty pronto,

Bubba said...

Everything in The "Land of the Fee and the Home of the (Wage) Slaves" is the the "Same As It's Ever Been"...which is why I escaped it for the 2o years (during which we worked together).

It is rumoured that Trump is renaming his reelection theme from "Keep America Great" to...

...hold for it...

..."Make America Virus-Free Again".

P.s.- I'm glad to hear that Trump's Tony Blair kicked the Bug...


Unknown said...
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